Installation and setup Eclipse, STM32CubeMX under Windows (v2).


Manual was updated due to changes from previous version of CubeMX.

Installation and setup development environment for STM32, with Eclipse, STM32CubeMX, GNU ARM Embedded, GNU ARM Eclipse Plugins.

Video: Setup Eclipse and STM32CubeMX on Windows

Manual was updated due to changes from previous version of CubeMX.{ .bg-info .text-white }

If it is not working, please write in comments.{ .bg-warning .text-dark }

All process has been recorded on video. Operating system: Windows 10 Home.


List of used software.:


Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers

Download Eclipse installer and install Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers.

Java Virtual Machine

If Eclipse installer can't find JRE, next dialog can be shown:

The required 64-bit Java 1.7.0 virtual machine could not be found.
Do you want to browse your system for it?

You can browse for it or open web-site by clicking No.

Windows Build Tools

Installation manual. All as usual.

GCC ARM Embedded

Disable checkboxes Launch gccvar.bat and Add path to enviroment variable after installation. So you can install many compilers.

GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins

Installation manual. In Eclipse menu choose Help -> Install New Software.... Add website

  • name: GNU ARM Eclipse Plug-ins
  • URL:

Select and install all components.

If you see an error about Handshake_failure, please read the next topic: GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure.

STM32CubeMX Eclipse plug in

Start Eclipse. Choose menu Help -> Install New Software... and install plugin from archive Restart Eclipse.


Start Eclipse. Open STM32CubeMX from menu Window -> Show View -> Other... -> STM32CubeMX. Choose Help -> Install New Libraries from STM32CubeMX menu to open Libraries Manager.

Here you can install package for selected MCU series. * Network: select checkbox and click Install Now. * Local: click From Local... and open file


All as usual.


Create project in Eclipse

Choose menu C/C++ -> C Project. Write a project's name and select type Hello World ARM C++ Project, Toolchain Cross ARM GCC. Replace source's directory from src to Src. At Linker semi-hosting options write only next string


Build project.

Create project in STM32CubeMX

Code generation

Start STM32CubeMX and create new project.
Select used MCU. For example STM32F103RET6. Change project settings.
Start code generation. Set project name equals to Eclipse project. Set Project Location directory in workspace, where existing Eclipse project was placed. Set Toolchain/IDE to SW4STM32. Uncheck _ Generate Under Root_.
Start by clicking Ok.

Source codes will be saved over early created project.
Close STM32CubeMX.

Refresh project tree in Eclipse. You can see newly added directories, Driver and Inc. Src directory combined with existing.
Newly added directories disabled by default, so enable it thru properties dialog.

Create file startup.asm in Src directory. Add path to generated assembler startup file:

.include "../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F1xx/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32f103xe.s"

Migrate settings

How to migrate settings from CubeMX project to Eclipse?

Open Eclipse project. Open project's Properties - C/C++ General - Path and Symbols. Add some string markers to Includes и Symbols.

Then close project. Open XML file of both projects, .cproject and ./SW4STM32/< project name >/.cproject.
Format XML with any tool for easy reading. For example, xmlbeautifier.


Locate nodes with symbols in XML file (SW4STM32), like next:

    name="MCU GCC Compiler"
        name="Defined symbols (-D)"
            value="__weak=__attribute__((weak))" />

Locate nodes with markers in other XML file (Eclipse) and replace it. List of symbols looks like next:


Last line missing in XML file, but it is required for build.
Quote at __weak and __packed are required. In XML file quotes need to be escaped as " :



Locate nodes with Include paths in XML file (SW4STM32) like this:

    name="MCU GCC Compiler"
        name="Include paths (-I)"
            value="..\..\..\Inc" />

Change prefix from relative path


to variable


Copy nodes to other XML file (Eclipse).

ARM family

Open project's Properties in Eclipse, navigate to C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Tool Settings -> Target Processor -> ARM family, select cortex-m3.


Also you can change charset of project's resources to UTF-8.

Linker script

Copy linker script from ./SW4STM32/< project name >/STM32F103RETx_FLASH.ld to Scripts/STM32F103RETx_FLASH.ld.
Open project's Properties, navigate to C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Tool Settings -> Cross ARM C Linker -> General. Add file to Scripts files (-T) list.


Start build project.
You can set C/C++ Build -> Behavior -> Enable parallel build to speed up build.


Check connection with debugger and MCU thru J-Flash.

Start J-Flash. Create new project. Select debugger, Target Interface, CPU -> Device. Click menu Target -> Connect. You should see message in log:

Connected successfully

If you don't see it, something going wrong.
Then select Target -> Manual programming -> _Erase chip. You should see message in log:

Erase operaion completed successfully.

Setup debugger in Eclipse

Open menu Debug -> Debug Configurations....
Create new connection under GDB Segger J-Link Debugging.
Set Device name on Debugger page, for example STM32F103RE.
Select Connection and Interface, if needed.
To add debug configuration to favorites menu, set checlbox Debug in list Display in favorites menu on Common page.
Start debug from favorites in Debug menu.

Formware shoud be programmed to flash. Debug starts with breakpoint on method main.

Updating project

This project's structure allows update project with STM32CubeMX without problems.
Just start STM32CubeMX.
Load STM32CubeMX project (generated *.ioc file in root directory of project).
Change settings.
Start code generation.
Files will be regenerated over existing, but user's code keeps in special sections.

The End.